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5 Things You Need to Know About Your Vagina

Photo by Adjj O-d on Unsplash

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Vagina

From the Writer’s Desk:

As a fellow vagina owner, I know the importance of being familiar with oneself. Intimacy Self Care is so important that I’d like to start by talking about the basics of Vadge care. After all, no one will take better care of it than you will – and that’s the way it should be. Take a look at these facts about your vagina, and get some bonus tips to keep your “vadge” healthy throughout all seasons…


With all the things we have to think about on a daily basis the last thing we want to worry about is what is happening “down there”. Here are some tips to help keep your vagina healthy.


  1. It benefits from exercise.  Just like you do sit-ups to workout your abs, it’s beneficial to workout the muscles in your vagina.  Besides giving you a tighter grip during sex, it also may make it easier to climax. Here’s how you exercise your vagina:  Clamp down as if you’re stopping your urine flow, hold for 10 seconds, then release. Do 3 sets of 15 a day.


Click Here For More Detailed Kegel Instructions 


  1. It’s just one part of your down-there region. Most of us use the word vagina to refer to our private parts. But technically, the term describes only the narrow canal that runs inside your body from the vulva (the visible area that includes the inner and outer labia, clitoris, and perineum) to the cervix (the lower portion of the uterus).


Check out my guide on beating BV for good: https://amzn.to/2YIAJx3


  1. Cleansers with fragrances might make it smell worse. If you smell something “off”, it might mean that you are off balance or you have an infection. Over cleansing your hoohoo removes all the goodness Mother Nature put down there and added fragrance simply provides another molecule for bacteria to grow on. Use a product that is fragrance free like healthy hoohoo (https://amzn.to/2YMEphr)  and see your doctor if a funky odor persists.


  1. Wear cotton underwear. Synthetic fabrics can cause irritation to your vagina. Cotton is a much friendlier fabric for your nether regions and let’s “her” breathe.


  1. Don’t clean you good-good with soap. Using bar soap, no matter how mild and natural, can disrupt your vagina’s pH level (which is naturally acidic) and cause irritation and discomfort. The vagina is a self-cleaning part of the body that does a great job at keeping things regulated. It’s best to limit cleanser use to the mons pubis (the outer vaginal area), where sweat and dirt may hide. 


Taking care of our vaginas should be paramount to our intimacy self-care. After all, she’s the only one we get, right?


Kimani Fisher is a sexual health and wellness expert with over ten years of studies and experience. With a BA in Psychology and MA in Sexual Health (IP), she works with clients across the world to help improve their intimate quality of life. As founder of VForVCom, Kimani provides free and low-cost resources to individuals in need of sex health services. She also curates and creates products to facilitate improved education and measurable change in health. As she currently pursues her nutritionist credentials, Kimani aims to further aide in creating a healthier, happier world for all.

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