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Why are Black Youth at Highest Risk for Drowning

Why are Black Youth at Highest Risk for Drowning


I went searching for answers to the question about why black people don’t/can’t swim. I was having a discussion with a few peers and could not believe these grown folks were unable to swim. Some were downright afraid of the water!

Learn why drowning rates are higher among African American and Hispanic/Latino children.


the Y : Why are Black Youth at Highest Risk for Drowning?

According to a recent national study conducted at Ys by the USA Swimming Foundation and the University of Memphis: 64 percent of Black/African-American children cannot swim 45 percent of Hispanic children cannot swim While only 40 percent of Caucasian children cannot swim.


S. Nicole Orridge, lovingly known as Nickey, is an enterprising, detail-oriented, hard-working, and technically skilled account management/business management specialist known for accuracy, attention to detail, and timeliness in managing the School Construction Authority and Building Department processes. She currently serves as the Executive Project Manager for an architectural consulting firm. Her tenure at this organization spans over 10 years and includes several advancements up the corporate ladder.

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