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Playing catch-up in the game of life

Playing catch-up in the game of life

My reason:

I opened this article because the title caught my eye. With a child in the demographic I have stake in the discussion. Will she be able to succeed despite the odds? How will she fair amongst others her age and previous generations? It’s an interesting read and one I think others may benefit from seeing. 


The article:

“Playing catch-up in the game of life”: Why millennials are approaching middle age in crisis

New data show they’re in worse financial shape than every preceding living generation, and may never recover. Their woes have delayed traditional adult milestones in ways expected to alter the nation’s demographic and economic contours.


Read in The Wall Street Journal:

‘Playing Catch-Up in the Game of Life.’ Millennials Approach Middle Age in Crisis

New data show they’re in worse financial shape than every preceding living generation, and may never recover. Their woes have delayed traditional adult milestones in ways expected to alter the nation’s demographic and economic contours.


S. Nicole Orridge, lovingly known as Nickey, is an enterprising, detail-oriented, hard-working, and technically skilled account management/business management specialist known for accuracy, attention to detail, and timeliness in managing the School Construction Authority and Building Department processes. She currently serves as the Executive Project Manager for an architectural consulting firm. Her tenure at this organization spans over 10 years and includes several advancements up the corporate ladder.

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